Xylella, faster explants thanks to the "olive register"

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Un “olive register” of the demarcated areas affected by Xylella Fastidiosa which indicates the olive trees present in the area and their state of health (alive, dead and symptomatic). A precious database made up of photo-returns of the olive trees present in the Salento area, made on the basis of Orthophoto of the years 2013, 2016 and 2019 fruit of the synergistic work between the Region, the Ministry and Agea.
The cadastre, already operational on the Sian, it can be used by the Region as a certified basis for assessing the damaged production potential from the bacterium and deliver, where possible, public contributions made available by the “Apulia olive regeneration plan”. The portal can be accessed with free consultation according to the methods that will be defined by the Phytosanitary Observatory of the Puglia Region.
Furthermore, the owners and tenants of agricultural land in an infected area will be able to report any non-compliance of the photo-return, indicating to the Regional Structure any errors in the dotting.
The reactions
Coldiretti Puglia "with the establishment of the olive land registry, explants can be started without waiting for the process of accessing funding, authorizing the clearing of the dry olive trees affected in Salento, at risk of desertification and fires, and preparing the land for replanting".
Apulia confagriculture believes that "the olive register can be used in an absolutely virtuous way if used to speed up the grubbing up of dead olive trees, encouraging the regret of varieties resistant to Xylella fastidiosa and guaranteeing benefits for the prevention of fires that are tormenting the Lecce area in these months".
Hi Puglia “the olive land register is necessary to give everyone the possibility of uprooting the trees, as we cannot yet wait for the ranking or the scrolling of the measures presented. It is a tool that will serve for the disbursement of public contributions to restore the production potential damaged by Xylella fastidiosa”.

Tags: explants, in evidence, Xylella

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