Oil yields: here are the first official data province by province

First campaign assessment in mid-November: from 17.6 to 8.3
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How are they going? yields in oil in this new olive oil campaign? Here is the first official picture updated in mid-November, with the centre-north which, to a large extent, is drawing to a close thanks to the scarcity of olives, while in the south we are practically halfway through the countryside (with the exception of Puglia where the oil mills have entered more late at full capacity). These are the average yields province by province.

PIEDMONT: Turin: 9.5, Vercelli 10.5.
LOMBARDY: Como 13.3, Sondrio 12.5, Bergamo 8.3, Brescia 11.5, Mantua 10, Lecco 10.1.
TRENTINO: Trent 12.1.
VENETO: Verona 12.5pm, Vicenza 12pm, Treviso 10.9pm, Padua 13.6pm.
FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA: Udine 10.2, Trieste 12.7, Pordenone 10.2.
LIGURIA: Imperia 17.6, Savona 15.8, Genoa 13.1, La Spezia 12.
EMILIA ROMAGNA: Piacenza 16.6, Modena 15.3, Bologna 13.2, Ravenna 12.9, Forlì-Cesena 14.8, Rimini 13.8.
TUSCANY: Massa-Carrara 12.7, Lucca 12.6, Pistoia 13.2, Florence 13.3, Livorno 13.2, Pisa 12.5, Siena 13.6, Arezzo 13, Grosseto 13, Prato 12.8.
UMBRIA: Perugia 13.5pm, Terni 14.1pm.
BRANDS: Pesaro-Urbino 12.7, Ancona 12.8, Macerata 12.6, Fermo 11.8, Ascoli Piceno 11.6.
LAZIO: Viterbo 12.5pm, Rieti 13.2pm, Rome 12.9pm, Latina 12.8pm, Frosinone 14.5pm.
ABRUZZO: L'Aquila 13.6, Teramo 12.3 Pescara 13.9, Chieti 13.
MOLISE: Campobasso 12.7pm, Isernia 14.2pm.
CAMPANIA: Caserta 11.7am, Benevento 11.4am, Naples 13.4pm, Avellino 12.9pm, Salerno 12.9pm.
PUGLIA: Foggia 13.9, Bari 13.4, Taranto 12.4, Brindisi 12, Barletta-Andria-Trani 13.8.
BASILICATA: Potenza 13.4, Matera 13.2
CALABRIA: Cosenza 13.3. Catanzaro 16.6, Reggio Calabria 15.4, Crotone 16.5, Vibo Valentia 14.3.
SICILY: Trapani 15.8, Palermo 15.3, Messina 15.5, Agrigento 16.4, Caltanissetta 15.2, Enna 15, Catania 12.5, Ragusa 12.6, Syracuse 12.7
SARDINIA: Sassari 12.3, Nuoro 13, Oristano 14, Cagliari 13.1, South Sardinia 13.4.

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Tags: in evidence, province, yields in oil

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