Unapol promotes the area with monovarietals, PDO and PGI

At TuttoFood underway in Milan a rich olive oil proposal
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Even this year Unapol – National Union of Olive Producers Associations is renewing its presence at Tuttofood of Milan to reaffirm the commitment made with the many companies, with the associated OPs, with the farmers, in order to enhance the territories and work that olive growers tirelessly devote to their fields.
In an international agri-food fair which this year offers an edition dedicated to sustainability, the stand of Unapol house declines the message on protection and territory, with the technicians who every year select and transform the precious varieties of Italian olives into the precious green gold that is the protagonist of our tables.
Il president Tommaso Loiodice explains the proposal dedicated to the great Fiera di Milano as follows: "To our usual choice of promoting monocultivars, this year we have decided to add a further novelty: the enhancement of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications, precious products that will part of the offer proposed to the public. Ours is in fact the largest proposal of monovarietal, PDO and PGI Italian, a real pride for us at Unapol. In this way, we intend to give consumers the opportunity to choose from a vast range, guaranteeing an approach to the world of oil that is not monotonous, but consists of a plurality of flavors and experiences. This can only be understood by fully knowing the territory from which a cultivar is born, to which certain organoleptic characteristics and the aromas that the oil is able to express are associated”. Many events hosted in Unapol house, such as show cooking, insights and tastings dedicated to the combinations of various oils with exclusive recipes proposed by the Corato chef Stefano Torelli.
Tommaso Loiodice, guest of Mark Viola e Gian Francesco Petroni, respectively president and director of Assoprol Umbria (in the picture), spoke at the event promoted by the Association of Olive Producers of Umbria: “It was an opportunity to launch a message of openness of our territories to the whole of Europe, inviting the world to visit our splendid regions. We want to add to the cultural and historical heritage that Italy offers, also the natural and landscape heritage closely connected to the world of olive growing and its typical features. We have always been convinced of this, our territories are rich in uniqueness and biodiversity, the true ambassadors of the beauty and taste of our Italy".

Tags: in evidence, Tuttofood

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