Agrisolare, even the mills among the beneficiaries of photovoltaics

Mariani (Fooi): "Great economic and environmental opportunity"
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There will also be i oil mills among the buildings on whose roofs it is possible to install photovoltaic panels thanks to the so-called “Agrisolare decree” just fired by Mipaaf which supports these investments by farms and agri-food companies by putting them on the plate 1,5 billion euros valid on the Pnrr.
Paolo Mariani (in the picture), president of Fooi – Italian Olive Oil Supply Chain – is indeed very optimistic about it. "For the mills it is a great opportunity - he explains - because the favorable conditions of the tender, which will be published between now and the end of 2022, allow the investment to be recouped within two years, so as to make the company balance practically cleansed of the non-insignificant energy costs".
The bill is soon done, net of a check with certified installers and subsequent questions to be formalized through the CAA in compliance with the timing that the tender will indicate: for an average mill that works 20/25 thousand quintals of olives per year, the construction of a rooftop photovoltaic system is around 80/100 thousand euros (one thousand euros per megawatt). Given the public support equal to 50% in the centre-south and 40% in the north, the investment of millers is practically halved, touching between 40 and 50 thousand euros which more or less represent the energy bill of two years. The contribution is paid at the conclusion of the intervention, without prejudice to the possibility of requesting the 30% down payment upon presentation of a guarantee.
“Certainly – adds Mariani – two upstream factors must be considered: the first is that during the countryside, between autumn and winter, the photovoltaic system does not perform as well as in the summer and therefore energy support from the grid may be necessary; the second is that the energy produced in the summer is resold to the manager at a not so profitable price.
But even taking these two variables into account, the opportunity for oil mills is certainly interesting. Then, the environmental profile of the choice should not be forgotten. It has been said on more than one occasion that today any agri-food company makes the environmental sustainability and the circular economy an added value in the promotion of its products, receiving positive responses from the market, because consumers are attentive to these issues, especially today where climate change is showing its devastating effect on man and nature. So being able to define yourself as a sustainable mill means giving greater value to the extra virgin olive oil that is produced by that mill. At the same time it should not be forgotten that the opportunity to install photovoltaic systems also allows for put back the roofs of sheds that may have dated over time and which would in any case need an adequate restructuring intervention".
In fact, technically the tender will finance, in addition to the purchase and installation of photovoltaic panels for one's own energy needs, also removal and disposal of asbestos where present, the creation of thermal insulation of the roofs and a ventilation system connected to the replacement of the roof (air gap). The maximum eligible contribution is equal to 50 thousand euros for photovoltaics and the maximum eligible expense for the demolition and reconstruction of the roofs is set at 750 thousand euros.
More information can be obtained from Authorized agricultural centers or from certified installers once the announcement is officially released.


Tags: Agrisolar, Tip, in evidence, Mariani

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