Assofrantoi, boost on agri-solar and network contracts

A team of energy technicians to support the millers
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Assofrantoi on the front line to support their associates against the energy crisis. Two activities were set up: the constitution of a team of experts to help millers present the application for participation in the agricultural tender and the establishment of a network of associates with which to propose to energy suppliers to get a better price.
In these days the president Paolo Mariani (in the picture) has made contact with the regional associations linked to Assofrantoi present in Tuscany, Lazio, Campania, Puglia, Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia to take stock of the situation and share the best strategies.
“The energy crisis – underlined Mariani – is putting a strain on our companies which, starting from last year, have had to bear higher costs to cover their energy needs. The scenario that lies ahead in the near future could jeopardize the continuation of the activity of very many of them: it is specific strategies need to be implemented. The transition to renewable energies, as well as desirable, appears almost an obligatory choice. For this reason, our association will keep its members informed of all the measures implemented in this direction as well as providing technical assistance both for presenting the application and for developing the project".
The call for funding forinstallation of photovoltaic systems, as known, offers a 40% contribution on investment, which rises to 50% for almost all central-southern regions, supporting the costs for the installation of accumulation systems and electric charging columns, in addition to the structural improvement of the roof (reclamation of asbestos roofs, replacement of the roof and insulation or ventilation interventions). This contribution can be combined with any other support measure financed with public resources. One month to submit applications via the GSE portal (from 27 September until 27 October 2022), with evaluation in chronological order of presentation until funds run out.
“As for the network of companies to propose themselves to electricity suppliers and obtain a better price – concluded Mariani – the regional associations will take charge of involving as many millers as possible, so as to create an important and attractive critical mass for energy supply companies".

Tags: Assofrantoi, Mariani

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