Oil mill Italy, inventories at 363 thousand tons (-0,4%)

Food market in Italy
Views: 810

ICQRF has published the 'Frantoio Italia' report based on official data as of February 28, 2022.

The quantity of oil held in Italy on the date mentioned above is substantially unchanged compared to the same period last year: on 28 February 2021 the total quantity of olive oils was equal to 364.466 tons, as at 28 February 2022 it was equal to 363.086 tons with a decrease of 0,4%. Specifically, Italian EVO increased by 21,5% and Italian virgin decreased by 30,5%.

Looking at the data between 31 January and 28 February 2022, we note a decrease in Italian EVO of 1,7% and an increase of EU origin of 10,7%, a decrease of 1,1% of the Italian virgin and an increase of the virgin of origin EU of 48,4%.

La overall stock of olive oils is for the 76%, or 276 thousand tons, consisting of extra virgin olive oil and, of this quantity, 62% or 171 thousand tons is Italian EVO.

56% of the national stock is stored in the regions of southern Italy and, in particular, in Puglia and Calabria.

The DOP/IGP oil in stock is equal to 6,6% of the total present in Italy and constitutes 8,6% of the stored EVO oil.

Out of a total of 25,9 million liters of oil in stock, a decrease compared to 31 January 2021, the PDO Terra di Bari alone represents 46,7% and the top 20 denominations 97,1% of the total in stock.

The total stock of "extra virgin olive oil" need “virgin olive oil” da organic farming is equal to 48.352 tons (+25,9% compared to the same period of 2021), of which 99,8% EVO, equal to 17,5% of the total EVO held in Italy.

The BIO oil is mainly held in Puglia, Calabria, Sicily and Tuscany.

Tags: Frantoio, ICQRF

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