“The 100 million for the mills? Few and without any comparison”

Aifo, Assofrantoi and Foa half happy: "Improvements are needed"
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Associations of oil millers satisfied only halfway through the announcement of the 100 million euro allocated for the renewal of the processing plants in the olive-oil sector. And the reasons are almost unequivocal.

“We welcome the news of the allocation of resources with the right emphasis – they underlined in unison the president of Aifo, Elia Pellegrino, and that of Assofrantoi, Paolo Mariani (in the pictures) – complaining, however, of the lack of concertation aimed at defining the real needs of the category. None of the confederations and associations has been summoned to share the guidelines that the Ministry has proposed to the Regions. We trust in a prompt convocation as associations of oil millers in order to identify implementation times and methods to be shared with the various regional councilors and the State-Region conference that will follow. All this also for an evaluation of the available budget, given the fact that they are present in Italy today over 4 mills. Of course - conclude Pellegrino and Mariani - it would have been desirable for the decree to be managed directly by the Ministry and not by the Regions, as funds are valid on the Pnrr ".
It does not deviate much from these concerns, Elia Menta, president of Foa (in the picture). “Decentralizing tenders to the Regions – he highlighted – risks becoming a serious problem, because we have clear experiences of the difficulty of these institutions in knowing how to spend, and spend well, the resources they have. I hope that this problem will be kept in mind and that, if necessary, the preliminary investigation will be delegated, even imagining giving a single expiry date for everyone. I would add: like what is happening for the requests for the renewal of olive-growing plants, also for the modernization of the mills, the requests for resources will certainly be much higher than those available. It is therefore important to keep this aspect in mind and decide right now to keep the rankings open anyway, perhaps implementing them with additional resources between the Psr or the Pnrr itself, so as to accommodate as many requests as possible and allow all millers to be able to make investments both to improve the productive activity, both for a greater ecological footprint that follows thanks to the new technological innovations present on the market”.

Tags: in evidence, Mariani, Menta, Pilgrim

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