Italia Olivicola brings the excellence of nine regions to TuttoFood

Gennaro Sicolo: "Look and heart turned to the next campaign"
Italy Olivicola Informa
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Italy Olive growing will be present at AllFood, May 8-11, a Milan (Hall 1P, stand S10) with its jewels: green and gold. Extra virgin olive oils, but also table olives, of 17 producer organisations which represent all the main Italian olive-growing territories. “The Italian productive world is at TuttoFood with its gaze and heart turned to the olive groves, at the start of flowering – he says Gennaro Sicolo, president of Italia Olivicola – hoping to be able to celebrate a rich olive growing campaign from October, after the only 208 tons produced by our country in 2022/23.”
A year poor in quantity that just ended but rich in quality, tastes and different flavors according to the cultivars and territories at an affordable price. “Olive growers but also our cooperatives and producer organizations have helped to control inflation in these difficult times – he adds Gennaro Sicolo – in the face of increases in Costs who have passed the 30-40% for energy, fertilizers and fuels, the 20-30% for irrigation and 50% and more for bottles and labels, the prices of extra virgin olive oil climbed only 20%. The world of production has absorbed a large part of the price increases, demonstrating a sense of civic duty and community, without compromising on quality.” The best extra virgin olive oils from Italy Olive growing will be present at AllFood, coming both from Apulia, Calabria, Sicily, regions that represent 70% of national production, but also from renowned territorial realities, such as Tuscany, Lazio, Sardinia e Veneto, to conclude with the new promises, Abruzzo e Campania, which recently celebrated the approval of the PGI (protected geographical indication).
During the exhibition review Italy Olive growing together with Luciano Sorbillo, ambassador of Neapolitan pizza in the worldIn partnership with Molino Signetti, will present a rich calendar of daily events with ten celebrities from the world of Italian pizza from different Italian regions, to combine regional and gourmet recipes with the tastes and flavors of different extra virgin olive oils. “We want to demonstrate, touching the palate, that it is not enough to say extra virgin olive oil – he underlines Gennaro Sicolo – but that with the right dose of creativity and attention to the raw material, in which Italian chefs and pizza makers excel, you can experiment with new combinations, tastes and flavors, with oils from different Italian territories, which can enrich the gastronomic, sensory experience and the good life that has made Italy famous throughout the world.”


Tags: Tuttofood

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