Historical olive trees, the first training and maintenance course

Professional pruners from all over Italy with Pannelli and Alfei
Technique and Research
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More than forty professional pruners have been registered in the list of Olive Pruning School and Assam who participated in the first specialization course on the care and maintenance of historic olive trees and olive groves. The course, led by George Panels e Barbara Alfei, was held at Osimo, in Marche, inserting itself in a project on the monumental olive trees of the region aimed at enhancing such plants such as biodiversity icons and tangible sign of the varieties that have been present in the area for centuries.
Organized by Aioma (Middle Adriatic Interregional Olive Association) in collaboration with Scuola Pruta Olivo and Assam, the course was not a simple professional update meeting, but was characterized as a forerunner of an innovative system both for training pruners and for managing olive trees and olive groves, capable of fully integrating title among the objectives of the new CAP.
The future European guideline for agriculture, as known, decrees the overcoming of greening with the introduction of eco-schemes that can annually generate a decoupled surface payment with the implementation of some practices beneficial for the climate and the environment.
“It is – he got to remember George Panels (in the picture) – of the most important news of the next one Pac, which requires knowledge, innovation and careful evaluation. And among the specific objectives on safeguarding olive trees of particular landscape value there is precisely the obligation to prune the foliage annually. This course has suggested the criteria that we believe are best for carrying it out in compliance with the economic needs of the producer, the physiological needs of the olive tree and the ecological needs of the environment”.
After this first positive experience, which has garnered the full consent of all the participants from all over Italy, the Olive Tree Pruning School will resume this course next season, making itself available to organize it wherever there is interest.

Tags: Aioma, Alphei, in evidence, Panels

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