Spain, here are the official estimates: 765.362 tons of oil

15,3% more than last year, 34,3% less than the average
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The production of olive oil in Spain will be equal to 765.362 tons of olive oil in the 2023/24 campaign, that is 15,3% more compared to the low harvest of the previous season (664.033 tons) e 34,3% below the average of the last four years. These, as reported Mercacei, production estimates published today by Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) and presented by the interim minister louis planes in a video available at this link .

In the campaign, which began last October 1st, they are also estimated stocks for 257.000 tons, 43% and 52% lower than the starting stocks of the previous campaign and the last four campaigns, respectively.

The analysis of the Autonomous Communities shows an increase in production compared to the last campaign Andalusia (+7%, up to 550.600 t.), in Extremadura (+101%, up to 73.000 t.) and more Castilla la Mancha (+ 29%, up to 86.000 t.). However, in Andalusia, the main production region, with 70% of Spain's production, the harvest is estimated to be 40% lower than average, mainly due to the low production expected in the provinces of Jaén, the first producing province of Spain, Cordoba and Granada

The Ministry explained that the weather situation of the last few months is the main cause for the expected production. He then specified that episodes of high temperatures during full flowering caused the loss of flowers and a reduction in fruit set. However, the trees presented heterogeneous conditions in the different production areas. This aspect, he added, has made it difficult to reach capacity in some regions.

The Ministry underlined that these production forecasts are preliminary data that will be adjusted based on the evolution of harvesting conditions and yield data obtained throughout the campaign, depending on the production areas.

Tags: in evidence, oil production, Spain

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