Abruzzo is also organizing itself for an Igp branded oil

A promoting committee will prepare the disciplinary for the Mipaaf
Organizations and Associations
Views: 403

The proposal for the recognition of the IGP (Protected Geographical Indication) mark of Abruzzo extra virgin olive oil has been presented. The initiative, promoted by Cia Farmers-Italians Abruzzo both at Chieti-Pescara Chamber of Commerce, has the goal of “Focus on quality to be competitive again”. During the meeting, the promoting committee, which will have the task of drawing up the specifications for Abruzzo IGP oil to be presented to the MIPAAF.
“The Region will be at your side – commented the vice president of the Abruzzo regional council with responsibility for agriculture Imprudent Emanuele – while representing an important step, this proposal is only the starting point, which must be followed by strong action oriented towards quality and capable of selling and promoting IGP oil, which must be a source of pride for our territory”.
LAbruzzo is the fifth region in Italy regarding the production of olive oil which amounts to over 250 quintals of oil, of which almost the 50% is concentrated in the province of Chieti, while the other half of the production is distributed in the cities of Pescara (30%), Teramo (16%) and L'Aquila (4%), thanks to about 60 thousand companies and 530 millsscattered throughout the Abruzzo region.
Imprudente took the opportunity to anticipate that “it will be issued a specific measure for mills which will go hand in hand with this initiative, to support our olive growers and our supply chains in a difficult moment in which management costs are often unable to even be covered".​

Tags: >Reckless, Abruzzo

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