Cosmetics in the mill, in the name of tradition and territory

A beautiful story of innovation that comes from Calabria
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In this 2023 will celebrate 10 years the start of a beautiful experience production diversification in the mill that deserves to be told. The protagonist is a girl who grew up among the family olive groves, Emma Converse (in the picture), third generation, together with his brother Domenico, of olive growers a Rossano (CS), in the pre-Silane hills of the Calabria.
We are in 2013 and Emma, ​​who has just graduated, decides to start a new path in the wake of tradition of family, uniting the passion for cosmetics to handed down teachings from the grandparents, with the ancient recipes, the soap based on olive oil, the "mixtures" of medicinal herbs created with the old mortar. And especially, dreaming big.
At first it deals with laboratories that work on behalf of third parties with standard oil-based cosmetic productions, then, with the help of three biologists (Carmen Bloise, Simona Romanelli, Giusy Scalia), begins to deepen his studies, with the aim of creating his own line of products. He chose the indigenous variety as a basis Rossano cake, both through the extract of leaves that l 'organic oil. To it - on the basis of analyses, checks and tests - it combines other natural ingredients, such as honey and almonds, developing its own recipes, appropriately registered, determining the best composition for the expected benefits. The result, thanks to Dolce di Rossano – a balanced olive variety with a medium-light level of bitterness and spiciness – is a line of creams, for the face, for the the body, For hands and for foot, until the cocoa butter which has properties emollient, soothing, anti-reddening, particularly indicated in people who have skin intolerances and for children.
Thus was born the Emy Organic Beauty, with its line Emy, which Emma markets in oil mill (because whoever buys oil directly from the producer, in this case the father William, chooses quality and is stimulated to learn about new products as well), but also through theE-commerce with very interesting results biopharmacies e cosmetic shops, up to establishing an original collaboration in Tuscany with a eco luxury organic resort. “With natural cosmetics – explains Emma – yes gives the right value to oil and its derivativesbecause, paradoxically, when it comes to buying oil for food, families mainly look at the price; when instead they think of body products, they look for quality and are willing to spend a little more. Create own and exclusive recipes, characterizing them with the specificity of the territory in which one lives through the use of native varieties, undoubtedly represent that value added which is recognized and rewarded by consumers”.

Tags: cosmetics, Emma, in evidence

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